Tuesday 10 November 2020

Mixx Audio Cardio Air 5

 So, this was well not really supposed to review this but well, times change and washing Zimai earphones in the washing machine by accident causing the mic to stop working, and well with the #lockdown2 approaching and also the knowledge cycling on days will have to happen again, it was time for new earphones. This gives me the chance to be able to work for travelling, For £15 it pretty much has a lot more going for it than I expected. 

The video is below: 

The Packaging: 

Now for this, it does have clear labeling so you know what it does, with the dark grey box and the labeling with features such as Bluetooth and 10 hours of battery life, plus it shows you the ear hook which is a major bonus for this product already, and actually, t makes things easier to ready with clear text but there is a sign it is made for different countries. The branding is pretty clear as well.

The front of the box 

The side of the box showing the buttons 

The barcode and logos 

The other side of the box with more features 

The Back of the box 

The top of the box with the hook

As we open the box, the is a clear showing of things such as the manual which was clear and very easier to understand, plus the packaging is also plastic-free which is good for the environment, then its the micro USB cable being a really short one.  But the earphones themselves are nice but very short, which unlike the Zimai, there is no easy way to have it safely attached to the neck when you are not wearing them. 

The front of the manual 

The inner pages of the manual 

More inner pages

The buttons for the ear piece

More guides on the buttons 

The earpiece which has the mould in there as well, 

The very short micro USb Cable

Now as we look at the earpieces a bit more, I notice the buttons are easier to press and sadly the micro USB charging port cover is very fiddly to open but that could be my fingernails being the issue here. But it does work out to make it easier for the battery location. T/he Earpieces are interesting with a little bit of gap on them but they make it much easier to twist to get them in the right ear, but the bits below the hook. Well they are only suited for the ear they are designed for. 

The buttons 

The battery with the mix name 

The sign of both parts 

One earpiece 

The other ear Piece 

The showing of the length of the cable 

But then it was time to setup the earphones to the phone. Which well that was easier than I expected. 

Time to setup. 

So, I held the middle button down on the earphones and well boom, shortly after I saw a red and blue light flashing which meant it was them time to go to settings on the phone and well, it came up in a few seconds under the Bluetooth list. I tapped on it and it paired straight away. 

The searching for the device 

It finally paired 

Then it was time for the tests. 

The Tests:

Test #1: Wearing it

Now actually one benefit of this is actually the fact the hooks are much bigger which means it can fit around the ears without any issues, well actually there was a minor issue but the shaped of each side is designed for each side.  So you can't swap it over, the ears.  But when they were in, it felt really comfy. 

The ear on the side 

The ear on the other side 

How it shows when I'm wearing a mask

Then it was time to see how it felt with the sound quality. 

Test #2: Sound Quality 

Test 2.1: Listening

Well actually i did listen to some music, and it was clear and also quite loud, but not loud enough to end up muting the outside word, aka note noise cancelling, But there was no tinny quality for the music i listened to and also there was a small bit of base so the speakers can handle it. 

Test 2.2: Voice/Microphone

Now this was actually a bigger improvement, i didn't now notice the sound used in recording apps like Voice recorder or Google Keep, but when i was using the mic for phone calls, I almost had no issues with signal minus a phone call with one customer who was partially deaf and i did have 5 bars of signal (4G since near a BT exchange with an o2 Mast) So that means it can actually make things easier, As of this blog post publishing, I've not tried a call when cycling (was testing on Sunday due to work) but when walking, Calls worked fin,e well to works EA rep and Mobile phone rep and one customer. So this is a real improvement compared to the issue i was facing with the ZiMai earphones. 

Test 2.3: Durability: 

Actually this was much more improved than I thought, since it managed to not have any falling out when i was cycling around (nearly for 3 hours in total) on Sunday and that had no issues with falling out and since no sounds were playing and i could hear traffic , this was looking very promising, since i did notice and feel dropouts with the Zimai earphones. The only grip i did feel was something along the lines of the cable is a lot shorter than the Zimai , which means when not wearing them, they do not fit securely to the neck so there is a chance of them dropping. Which actually an be solved via a lanyard. 


This pair of earphones can actually do a lot more than i was hoping, Well in the basic ways but it feels a lot more easier to use than the Zimai and a lot cheaper due to the no customs duty for import. The cable is short but it makes up for that is a simple fix such as a lanyard. But the charging port lid can be hard to get out.

omracer's Rating: 8/10

The Good Points: 

  • Very Good value
  • Bluetooth
  • Earhooks
  • Microphone which works. 
  • Very comfortable during long use 
  • Battery life is good 

The Bad Points

  • The usb charging port can be hard to open with cut fingernails
  • The cable /strap is slightly shorted to wrap on body or attached when not using it 

And that is another review for the start of #lockdown2, There might be one more review for the end of the year but we will see. 
